Cornerback Training

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Great Cornerbacks

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  • Deion Sanders
  • Charles Woodson
  • Darrell Revis
  • Champ Bailey
  • Darryl Green
  • Nnamdi Asomugha
  • Asante Samuel
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About Me

Hey, and welcome to I'm Dennis Bishop, the founder and the creator of the this site.

Cornerback is undoubtedly the most demanding position in football. I should know; I have played the position for 19 years, and as we speak, am currently chasing a pro football career.

I got my start by following in the footsteps of my dad, and lifetime coach, Dennis Bishop Sr., who played cornerback in the CFL and the USFL (by way of University of Illinois).

My younger brother, Desmond Bishop, is a linebacker for the Super Bowl Champion Green Bay Packers, and my youngest brother, Devin played linebacker collegiately at the University of California, Berkeley (or Cal for short).

You could say I come from a "football family".

Why I Built This Site

I've been an athlete most of my life, and from as young as I could remember, I would hear coaches say things like, "That can't be coached" or, "Either you have 'it' or you don't". Sometimes they'd be talking about speed, and other times just somebody's general ability.

And for a while, I believed them. There did seem to be some people who were just gifted, and who could--with their born talent--do things that were amazing. Meanwhile, everybody else were mere mortals.

But then wierd "things" started to happen. It started with me: in track meets I, started catching up to top (nationally ranked) sprinters in the 100- and 200m dashes. I mean, some of these guys were Junior Olympic finalists! And, no they weren't getting slower.

I was catching up because I was getting faster! I always took track practice seriously, and it seemed it was starting to pay off.

Then something else, alot more significant happened: a guy, who we all used to leave in the dust (no, he would finish when the dust cleared), started to get really fast! This guy--let's call him Shaudy--could hardly qualify for regional meets, let alone the Junior Olympics....

...But all of a sudden here he was, THE FASTEST 100M SPRINTER IN THE NATION.

I found out later that Shaudy's transformation from scraper to Corvette wasn't so sudden: he had been training year-around with a great track coach.

Here was a guy who clearly didn't have "it". He wasn't fast at all, was not particularly built for speed: frame was kinda skinny, no muscle. But he put in the work and it payed off.

Paradigm Shift

When Shaudy did that, I knew I could. It was just a matter of desire and time...

Fast foward about 12 years. I'm just out of college, and, due to some unfortunate circumstances (some of my own making), I find myself trying to get into pro football through the back door.

I go to at least a dozen open tryouts and pro combines, where the odds of getting signed are about 300 to 1. Luckily, I am blessed with the natural talent to shine at these tryouts, but it ultimately proves to not be enough.

So, long story short, I decide to drastically increase my talent. I get a job working as a trainer, and learn everything I can about sports performance, dieting, and supplements (which I have to learn about and sell).

I used what I learned to create my own beastly training program and hit it hard:

The results....?

I swear, I had never felt so powerful in my life! I went back to those tryouts again and DOMINATED the competition. EASILY!!! Guys from NFL camps and other professional arena teams were breakfast to me.

Remember what I said about the odds being 300 to 1. I was that 1.

I was recruited by two professional arena teams and decided to sign with one of them. It wasn't what I wanted, but I understood the political nature of football and realized I had to work my way up. I was also happy to be playing football again.

But I trained pretty much on my own. No trainer, or anyone there to guide me. I got some advice from football strength and conditioning coaches but not much. I did have a few friends who worked out with me, but I was running the workouts.

(They both ended up signing with NFL teams.)

I asked myself: Why didn't anybody show me this before...? Why did I have to go out and learn this stuff on my own? After college?

And then it hit me: the majority of coaches and trainers out there either don't have the time, belief, desire, or the know how to do what I did. Because if they did, THEY WOULD DO IT!

Why don't more athletes out there do what I did...?

Same answer.

I'm not a pessimist though. I do believe there are those out there who, if presented with the tools and the knowledge that would for sure take their games to new heights, would use it.

Those are the people for whom I built this site. People who have the desire, but not the know how; people who don't have the belief, because of lack of access to the information or the resources.

I believe there would be more stories like mine and Shaudy's if people only knew.

So I've put the information here; much of what I've learned my entire athletic life, mostly for free, for those people to use and transform themselves from average or good to Great.

And I couldn't have done it without the help of the great people at SiteBuildIt!.

If you're passionate about something and want to turn your passion or idea into profitable online business, SiteBuildIt! offers all the tools you'll need and some!

(Endorsed by

Be a Shutdown
Corner in 18 Weeks!

The Shutdown Cornerback
Training Program

Shave 3-5 Tenths
Off your 40!

The Speed Encyclopedia

Cornerback Critique
